Ella previously served as Rippel’s Director of Enterprise Innovation as well as a key contributor to the ReThink Health initiative’s Hospital Systems in Transition and Portfolio Design for Healthier Regions projects. Since 2011, Ella has spearheaded many of the ReThink Health’s action-learning projects around how to engage residents in issues concerning the health and well-being of their community. She provides leadership development, strategic support and coaching for teams and coalitions in the population health and health care sector. Ella is also the founder and board chair emeritus of The Leadership Development Initiative: a teaching and coaching program dedicated to deepening congregational leadership capacity for mission and local community engagement. Ella holds a Master’s in Theological Studies from the Harvard Divinity School and a Bachelor of Science in Finance from Babson College.
She and her husband, Tom moved to Middletown, Rhode Island in 2016. They have two young-adult sons and a beloved Cairn Terrier. Ella was born and raised in Texas to a proud family of Mexican-Americans and Spaniards.